Student Rights and Responsibilities
Each student registered for education at MREA becomes a member of the MREA community. As a member of this community, each student is entitled to expect certain rights to be recognized by the MREA and the MREA is entitled to expect responsible behaviour from each student.
These rights and responsibilities are based on MREA’s Education Core Values and Objectives (as included in the MREA Education Policies Manual), and MREA’s purpose which is to build, empower, and uphold a trusted and sustainable real estate profession.
Students have the right to receive a high-quality education in a safe and respectful environment that supports student success.
Students are responsible for conducting themselves in an honest and ethical manner that is respectful of the entire MREA community.
These rights and responsibilities apply equally while attending classes and exam sessions at MREA, at any other location including the online environment or engaging in any MREA-sponsored activity, including MREA events.
Academic Rights
The rights stipulated in this section are subject to legal parameters and policies of the MREA.
Students have the right to:
- Information:
- Have access to information on all MREA course fees prior to the start of the program/course.
- If available, have access to a timetable or program timeline at the beginning of the program/course.
- Be informed of the requirements for progression to the next course, if required.
- Receive in writing, at the beginning of each course, a course outline that includes:
- learning outcomes;
- list of textbooks and readings/supplementary materials;
- grading criteria/guidelines;
- the value for each assignment and exam;
- and additional information and/or answers to frequently asked questions.
- Receive in-writing information about assignments/exams.
- Have access to information on all MREA course fees prior to the start of the program/course.
- Reasonableness:
- Receive reasonable notice of any changes to the course such as the grading system, assignment due dates and change of time or cancellation of a class or exam date.
- Obtain marked assignments/exams and grades in a timely manner.
- Withdraw from an uncompleted course prior to the course withdrawal date.
- Fairness:
- Be graded objectively on academic performance and be protected by established procedures against bias or unfair evaluation.
- Appeal grades and evaluations through fair processes.
- Quality Education:
- Receive a quality learning experience from instructors who are knowledgeable in their subject area, and skilled in instructional techniques.
- Accommodation (up to the point of undue hardship):
- Learning opportunities regardless of whether the student has a disability in accordance with The Human Rights Code (Manitoba).
Non-Academic Rights
Students have the right to:
- Expression:
- Express themselves individually, or as a group, orally, electronically and/or in print. Students must exercise this right in a manner that is compliant with the law and MREA policies. Students are responsible for treating all members of the MREA community with respect. Students must maintain a respectful and accepting learning environment.
- Spirituality:
- Observe spiritual, religious, and Indigenous practices. This right is subject to the condition that any practice will be in a manner that is not perceived as threatening or imposing on other members of the MREA community. All practices must also comply with the law and MREA policies.
- Resources/Information:
- Use MREA facilities and any equipment within established policies.
- Have access to information on MREA’s educational services at the beginning of the program/course.
- Have access to any approved MREA rules, regulations, policies, procedures, or guidelines regarding MREA programs, courses, activities, and services, as well as information regarding the consequences of breaching such rules, regulations, policies, procedures or guidelines, provided that such information is reasonably required by the student at MREA’s discretion, work and learn in a safe and healthy environment.
- Work and learn in a positive and respectful environment, free from harassment. The student has a right not to be subjected to indignity or violence.
- Confidentiality:
- The privacy of one’s official records in accordance with the law and Policy EDU 1-Confidentiality and Release of Student Academic Records.
- Expect that personal information will not be released to anyone outside the MREA or MSC without their prior written consent or as allowed under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) or as otherwise required by law.
- Make, without fear of reprisal or retaliation, a complaint to the applicable MREA authority.
- Students are prohibited from sharing course materials, including exams and assessments, outside of the program without explicit permission.
Student Responsibilities
The above noted rights come with responsibilities. The responsibilities stipulated below are not exhaustive but reflect the general categories of student responsibilities.
Academic Responsibilities
Students have the responsibility to:
- Be Informed:
- Obtain and understand information concerning course outlines and materials pertaining to courses, content, evaluation methods, program requirements and policies, academic progression regulations and program completion requirements.
- Obtain information and the procedures to be followed in the case of rescheduling or replacement of classes.
- Adhere to Administrative Procedures and Departmental Requirements and Policies:
- Pay all fees and obtain course materials.
- Adhere to administration and withdrawal procedures of the MREA.
- Follow the approved policy and procedures to appeal grades.
- Attend class and observe requirements concerning attendance, punctuality, and appropriate behaviour.
- Submit assignments within the required timeline.
- Complete exams within the required timeline
- Maintain Academic Standards:
- Submit only original or properly acknowledged work, understanding what plagiarism and other forms of cheating are, and knowing the consequences of engaging in plagiarism and other forms of cheating. If there is evidence to show a student has violated any of the areas of academic dishonesty, which include cheating, impersonation and communicating with or assisting another student during an exam, the invigilator will confiscate the student’s exam and the student will receive an automatic failure. MREA may take further action, which could include referring the matter to the MSC.
- Collaboration on exams or sharing exam content with others is not allowed.
- Be Accountable:
- Students are accountable for their own learning and progress. It is their responsibility to seek help when needed and to ensure they understand the course material.
- Participation in any co-curricular or outside activities does not reduce academic responsibility.
- Communicate with MREA staff to resolve problems.
- Students must comply with all program requirements, including participation in mandatory activities, maintaining academic standing, and fulfilling all administrative obligations.
- Be Respectful:
- Respect the rights of instructors and fellow students by conducting oneself appropriately in the classroom and abstain from any actions that disturb or disrupt the learning environment, including talking, using foul language, causing unnecessary noise, etc. Should a student be disruptive or disrespectful, instructors, invigilators, and/or staff have the right and obligation to remove the student from the teaching/learning area.
- Use of Technology:
- Students must use the program’s online platforms and resources responsibly and for their intended educational purposes only.
- Students must protect their login information and ensure that their accounts are not accessed by unauthorized individuals.
Non-Academic Responsibilities
Students have the responsibility to:
- Respectful Behaviour:
- Treat all members of the MREA community in a respectful manner. Students have the responsibility to contribute to maintaining a respectful and accepting learning environment which is free from fear, harm, discrimination, harassment, violence and intimidation. Students must respect the rights of other members of the MREA community.
- Accountability:
- Keep personal information in MREA records current by reporting name, address, email, and contact information changes to the MREA education department.
- Avoiding Misconduct:
- Avoid all forms of non-academic misconduct which includes but is not limited to:
- Threatening to subject or subjecting any individual to physical, sexual, or psychological harassment, stalking, indignity, injury, violence or discrimination.
- Damaging facilities or unauthorized use/removal of property belonging to the MREA. This includes facilities rented for any MREA-sponsored activities.
- Theft of or willful damage to personal effects and property of students, staff, or the MREA.
- Disruption or obstruction of regular or organized MREA activities.
- Refusal to provide identification upon reasonable request by a staff member.
- Avoid any act involving the MREA which contravenes the Criminal Code of Canada and other federal, provincial, or municipal laws.
- Not knowingly aid or assist another person(s) in the commission of any offense on MREA property or in the MREA premises or at any MREA-sponsored activity on or off-site.
- Avoid all forms of non-academic misconduct which includes but is not limited to:
MREA Staff Responsibilities
- MREA education staff and MREA instructors, have the responsibility to support student rights. They are responsible for creating a positive learning environment for every student in an equal manner and fulfilling all program-related obligations. They must be aware of and enforce MREA policy.
- MREA education staff, have the responsibility to support student rights, including, in appropriate circumstances, accommodating students up to the point of undue hardship in accordance with The Human Rights Code (Manitoba). They are responsible for providing students with accurate program-related information and a high level of customer service to ensure that their position contributes to the positive learning experience of every student.