Student Code of Conduct
The MREA is committed to creating an academic community characterized by honesty, civility, diversity, freedom from harassment and mutual respect. The Manitoba Real Estate Association Inc. Student Code of Conduct (the “Code”) sets out the MREA’s expectations regarding student conduct as a member of the MREA Community.
The MREA is committed to creating an academic community characterized by honesty, civility, diversity, freedom from harassment and mutual respect. The Manitoba Real Estate Association Inc. Student Code of Conduct (the “Code”) sets out the MREA’s expectations regarding student conduct as a member of the MREA Community.
Students are responsible for conducting themselves in an honest and ethical manner that is respectful of the entire MREA Community. This policy outlines the procedures and penalties that may be applied in situations where students engage in unacceptable behaviour.
This policy covers the conduct of MREA students while:
- Attending classes or exam sessions at MREA;
- Attending classes or exam sessions at any other location including the on-line environment; or
- Engaging in any MREA-sponsored activity, including MREA events.
MREA Community is all individuals who have a direct relationship with or to the MREA and includes students, members, members of the board of directors and employees.
Misconduct means actions by a Student that are in violation of their responsibilities under this Code.
Student refers to any individual:
- Who is a current student of the MREA; or
- Who has previously been a student.
Types of Misconduct:
No Student shall:
- Participate in disruptive behaviours including:
- disrupt activities; or
- threaten, intimidate, harass, or disrespect any person.
- Steal, damage or destroy MREA property or resources.
- Obtain MREA materials by fraudulent means.
- Violate MREA policies.
Penalties for misconduct will be discussed with the MSC and may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:
- A warning;
- A verbal or written reprimand;
- Un-enrolment from course;
- Denial of re-admission into a course/program; or
- Temporary or permanent suspension from course/program.
Determination of Penalties
The following factors will be used when considering the appropriate sanction to be imposed for an act of Student misconduct:
- The extent of the misconduct;
- The inadvertent or the deliberate nature of the misconduct;
- Whether the act in question is an isolated incident, or part of repeated acts of misconduct; and
- Any other mitigating or aggravating circumstances.
A student may appeal decision made under this policy.